2014. december 28., vasárnap

using DropzoneJS

links:https://github.com/enyo/dropzone/wiki/FAQhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/17872417/integrating- ... http://p.ost.im/jgeQCk

2014. december 23., kedd

DropzoneJS and Laravel

Implementing DropzoneJS with Laravel 4: http://chrisbeaver.com/2014/09/using-dropzonejs-laravel-4/ Dropzone.j ... http://p.ost.im/jbcnYu


... http://p.ost.im/jaDbVX

Közterület-használati díj

utcazenélés163Ft/m2/napKözterület-használati díj - a 3/2013. (III. 8.) Főv. Kgy. rendelet 2. mel ... http://p.ost.im/ju9sea

2014. december 20., szombat

2014. december 19., péntek

2014. december 16., kedd

Laravel Shop tutorial

The first tutorial in “Building a shop” series is going to be a practical example of implementing a rating/re ... http://p.ost.im/j9TErj

PHP Static vs Non-static methods, Laravel

Why use static method in PHP's laravel model class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24879567/why-use-static-me ... http://p.ost.im/juqjK6

2014. december 14., vasárnap

2014. december 12., péntek

2014. december 11., csütörtök

2014. december 9., kedd

2014. december 8., hétfő

2014. december 7., vasárnap

2014. december 4., csütörtök

2014. november 30., vasárnap

Laravel 4 on Shared Host

Place the files of the Laravel public folder i.e. css, img, js etc; into public_html folder.Put all the remai ... http://p.ost.im/jhVCLf

2014. november 29., szombat

Johnny Winter - Death Letter

I got a letter this mornin, how do you reckon it read?It said, "Hurry, hurry, yeah, your love is dead"I got a ... http://p.ost.im/jkLnhQ

2014. november 27., csütörtök

2014. november 14., péntek

Piros, sárga elefántok

Nagy piros, sárga elefántokat fúj a szél,míg én beszorultam a kövek közé.Integetek az ég felé,d ... http://p.ost.im/jRFLKL

Kereszt a Dunaparton

Kinek zajos volt a város,inkább a természetbe vágyott,nem gyűjtögette pénzét sírhelyre,csak egy k ... http://p.ost.im/2EcHEH

2014. november 13., csütörtök

MyISAM vs InnoDB

what are the difference between InnoDB and MyISAM?Source: http://opentechlovers.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/myis ... http://p.ost.im/2KTk9q

gitárnyak beállítás

Figyeld meg a nyak mindkét élét és ha legkisebb ívet is látsz benne, kezdheted a beállítást. Ha az ív d ... http://p.ost.im/2E89u8

2014. október 29., szerda


Protecode offers software products, and services, that discover open source and other third party content in a code portfolio, highlighting legal obligations, security vulnerabilities, IP ownership and quality attributes of the external code.

source: http://www.protecode.com/

2014. augusztus 8., péntek

I need insight about my current internship.

Hey guys, I currently have an unpaid graphic/web design internship with a small local print/marketing shop. My problem is the owner, Jim, says he doesn't like the amount of web banner revisions I had to make (about 3-4) for his new website. This isn't anything new to me because this sort of communication error happens from my previous internships as well.

Jim stated that wasted his time and doesn't want to micromanage me, but he's willing to give me a second chance. This absolutely pissed me off because the purpose of the unpaid internship is for me to improve as a designer and letting me go does not solve that. It is also worth noting that was my first design project from him.

Another problem is he doesn't think I'm not doing a good job on fixing small problems on his site via liquid.css because it's hosted on Shopify. This is personally my fault because I told him I can do it but, Jim must have interpreted as I can do it well.

It's weird this was all of a sudden these are problems for him because we got a long well and even considered him a friend. There might be a hidden 'stress factor' in this considering he has a 1 yr old child and his business is only 3 years old.

So my question how should I should have handled his problems? I pretty much conceded the entire time because I feel disappointed in myself for not communicating well. Which also brings me to my next question how can I communicate better based on the given information?

I have 2 more quarters to go, and I'm sure engineering isn't for me. Please give advice.

I realize this may not be the right subreddit for this topic. If that's the case I'd be happy to remove the post (please give alternatives subreddits!).

I'm one of those students who picked engineering for the money. I know that's not the ideal reason to pick engineering, but at the time I was sure it was the right decision. Now, I'm not sure what to think anymore.

I'm studying electrical engineering at a decent state university. I have 3.3 GPA and am currently working as an intern at a local full-stack startup. I've actually worked there for half a year now..

My problem is, programming is the only field in engineering that remotely interests me, and I kinda suck at it. It takes so much effort for me to simply maintain the basic coding (data structures, more specifically) skills, and I'm seriously scared that I'll have to sacrifice my hobbies, interests, and relationships so I could call myself a software engineer. I can't imagine passing technical interviews for any respectable company in my current shape and form. I like to dream of developing computer games and web apps, but in reality I always feel too burned out to do anything, like I'm going against a rapid current.

I've always liked philosophy and history, and now I'm even thinking about just going to grad school for history and becoming a teacher. I know that's not the most efficient outcome of my undergrad years, but I seriously feel depressed and burned out all the time right now. I've thought about PM and UX design positions, but I don't think I'd be a good fit to be a PM (not much of a leader figure, usually quiet) and there are more UX designers with tons of experience than there are open UX positions.

If you have any advice I'd really appreciate it. If you don't thanks for reading this far.

Am I over romanticising of my future in the field of Computer Science/Programming?

So I've decided on a degree of Compsci, and hopefully will be starting next year.

The thing that stood out of CompSci was the staggering number of options one could go into, from my POV (ones appealing to me): - Game Development (Indies) - Web Dev/Design (websites, web apps etc) - Data managing/collecting (a fusion of this and web dev would be sick) - Software (solutions, new products etc) - Machine learning/AI

I know CompSci degrees don't necessarily teach all these, but I plan to self study whilst in uni/college.

Thing is, during my 3 year run is this a bit too much? I have intense interest right now, simply can't wait, but stuck until graduation.

70-100hr work weeks is what I'm planning, I'd be learning web design/dev first so I can work freelance to pay off college/uni fees.

Am I romanticist about this way too much?

After graduation I want to work for a possibly industry changing (slightly) company (IBM's watson) or possibly launch my own startup (after I validate some of my ideas).

2014. augusztus 7., csütörtök

[help!] Need someone to help remove the contact panel of this theme

Looking for group to learn programming - Michigan

This might be a long shot, this might be the wrong reddit, but it's something I've thought about, off and on for quite sometime, and I can't find any other place to post it.

I'm looking to start/join a group that wants to learn to program together in person offline, around the southwest corner of Michigan. Offline face to face, I know that seems to some like I'm asking the wrong group of people, but I'm in fact very reclusive. In fact my wife is in shock that I'm actaully reaching out with this post. I'm a somewhat intermediate programmer, some java, python, C, C++, web design, mysql and ruby. But it's boring and lonely coding and learning solo. Coding in a group seems like it would be a great experiance to teach and learn from each other, and perhaps grow into more than just a bunch of people who want to learn, into a group of real programmers, who knows?

If you live in the northwestern Indiana or southwestern Michigan area of the US, and want to join up and make a programming group to learn and teach. Or if you're part of a group in that area and don't mind if I hang out, let me know.

Web Design In Chennai

Mangla solution tend to enhance the up-to-date concern on the individuals to form their effort best. Mangla solution tend to believe that our promoting strategy helps US to figure out what our task to market.

Stay or go? Very lonely work environment.

I've spent almost as much time deciding where to post this as I have thinking about the situation itself, so if this isn't appropriate please let me know and I'll move it right away.

TL;DR: Discovered I work for a company that is mostly interested in using the latest shiny new technologies rather than creating a great customer experience through software, making me feel like a dinosaur at 28. It's better than what I came from but is it the right place for me?

First, a brief history of me so you know a bit about where my perspective comes from. I'm 28. I have always known creating software was my thing since I first started playing with QBasic on my dad's computer at around age 9 or 10. I soon moved away from BASIC and at about 16 was writing software (and getting paid to do so) for co-workers of my dad. I haven't been to university so since about age 17 (I finished my last 2 years of high school in 1 year from home) I've worked for small and large companies and feel I have a reasonable idea of what works and doesn't from working with huge and tiny codebases at a professional level.

Right now I'm at the point where I don't care as much about the money. I've had a 6 figure job which I hated and gladly took a pay cut for something more suited to me as a person. I'm really very helpful and friendly and I've made lifelong friends at every company I've worked for. I like to make any team I'm part of feel happy and motivated and I bring with me a good sense of humour and strong sense of focus on ultimately creating and keeping happy customers.

I'm extremely picky about where I will work now, and I spend about as much time interviewing the hiring manager about the company as they do interviewing me. I was recently ready to move on from a job of 2 years and about 4 months ago started at the company I'm with now. The hiring manager did an amazing job of selling them to me and said just about all the right things (I know that no company is going to get it all right and even more so who the fuck am I to think I even know what all the right things are).

It sounded like they had found a great balance of using new technologies while also not just starting rewrites of legacy projects just for the hell of it. Great! They also were not set on using one small toolset and never re-assessing the tools available when starting a new project. Great! Small team, only 5 developers. Great, I can apply a wider range of skills to the job and have more say and responsibility across the board! All great so far.

I should mention that the company is essentially a bog-standard software development shop, writing custom software for whatever a customer might need. It's basically all web apps.

When I started, I did what I always do when joining a new team: volunteer for everything. I'll gladly pick up any of the "shitty" jobs that nobody likes to do, to prove that I am a team player and I am happy to get my hands dirty (which I really am). I don't get hung up on what kinds of technologies are in use around the place because I know that no company or programmer is perfect (certainly not me!) and every company has those legacy projects floating around that aren't "cool" anymore but a customer is still using, paying for, and relying on for a set of tasks. Those projects are no less important and writing software is not all fun and Google Glass and self-driving cars. I accept this profession for what it is and I take pride in trying my best to make great solutions even in tools and environments that may be less than ideal for the requirements (I won't get into naming specific tools / languages / frameworks unless it's relevant for an example, as is coming up next).

I'm getting to my dilemma, but just before that I will start by saying that during the interview process the manager mentioned that they've decided that they are going to use node.js for "every [web] project going forward". I don't care what technology it is (and I'm certainly not interested in a node.js-or-not discussion here at the moment) but when I hear a statement like that it makes me a little uneasy. Again, this was before I started, but I felt like they did so many things right that if they found this tool was inadequate they would use something else, so in fairness to them I quite knowingly took the job with this knowledge.

I thought: OK, I'll roll with this. Let's see how it goes. I spoke to a couple of devs before I started and they seemed quite reasonable. I'm not one to rock the boat soon after starting but if I feel I have an idea I will voice it, generally in a very diplomatic way.

What I've noticed, and what I can't understand, is that they are just completely set on using node for everything despite having to already re-invent several wheels and create a fair bit of spaghetti code. They seem almost hostile at the very mention of maybe another tool being more suitable for some tasks (e.g. Python/Django or Ruby/Rails are things I've pointed at). I can't figure out what they're afraid of or where this is coming from. I seem to be shot down immediately when trying to open the discussion to anything that is not JavaScript-related.

There is almost a daily mention of some new JavaScript library or some or other drone thing that somebody has scripted with node and someone on the team will release some package into npm and there'll be hourly counts of how many downloads it's had. I'm starting to feel very frustrated because I'm the kind of person who tries to bring a certain amount of traditional engineering discipline to the software world and specifically not using technologies for serious software that don't have a bit of a tried-and-tested legacy.

I'm also the kind of person to look inward before I complain too much about others, so could it just be that I'm not open-minded enough? I honestly feel like I want to leave but I'm just not sure if that's the right thing yet. When all's said and done I just want to write software that doesn't get in peoples' way, learn as much as I can, and be treated with respect by my employer. What I don't want to do is spend customers' money filling in the gaps in a new technology and worrying about the future and security of NewShinyThing.js (sorry, JavaScript, I don't hate you! Really!).

It seems like many of the guys there started out with PHP and then somehow just discovered JavaScript with node.js so they don't know there's anything else out there. Or something...?

I really just needed to vent a little bit. I feel bad even complaining at all since I know this is most definitely at the highest end of first world problems. I guess I'm just thrown by this particular situation and I'm not sure what I should be doing about it, if anything. Any words of wisdom will be most welcome. Even if you want to tell me to just STFU I'd be happy to hear it, really! ;-)

Google Site Rankings Dropped. Anyone else?

Small local biz here. Been #1-3 on organic results, and map listings for the past year or so. Phone stopped ringing this week and I check my placement. Regular organic is still top 3 on most keywords. Map results have fallen off the radar. It's still showing, just page 5 or something. The strange part is I have 31 reviews on Google, and have been replaced with guys with no activity on their G+ page, and no reviews.

Did anyone else notice their stuff drop in the past week or so?

Spring Data Jpa - Filters

I am working on an application with a lot of content nodes and fields. I want to provide the user with an interface to filter down the result set by various properties like tags, date, so on.

The backend uses spring data jpa and controllers to expose the resources as json. The play framework frontend consumes the endpoints. I've decided that querydsl will help me greatly at the service layer.

I'm concerned with maintaining the state of the query from frontend to service and minimizing the amount of boilerplate. I'm asking for guidance and examples on implementing a flexible and extensible filtering system or ideally links to samples and examples.

Is it an unwritten rule that regulatory bodies have to have horrendous websites?

I can't think of or find a single goverment / informational body where the website has been designed with the idea that the person trying to access the information is a joe soap with no legal or other background in the field being discussed.

Has anyone worked on anything that tried to make a bureacratic process intelligble to the public?

Get rid of the frickin' toolbar!

<rant> How can anyone expect Java to be taken as a serious environment if you KEEP BUNDLING THAT STUPID TOOLBAR with the client installer?! Even when Java is widely criticized for being unsecure and people are adviced to uninstall it on their machines, you give them even more reasons to do so by bundling something that shouldn't even exist. The early 2000's called and wanted their thing back. GAH. </rant>

Wireframing app for iPad?

Looking for a good wireframing app for the iPad. Any that you guys have a particular liking for?

web development cochin

Neolink Technologies is one of the most leading web development company in inidia provides quality services that include web applications, responsive designs, etc.

Soft DevSol - A Software and Web Design Company


Professional Web Design in India


Should I use direct references to classes as delegates?

So a lot of the time when I'm programming something (usually in Java or Objective-C) I use a delegate that implements an interface (or a protocol depending on which language I'm in), asserting that whatever class is passed to an object implements methods with predefined signatures.

I usually do this so that a thread can pass a message back to a controller when it is done executing, or a menu shown to the user can initiate some action when the user selects an option. I can see the use of generalising whatever is passed to my class to be any class that implements particular methods, as it allows me to reuse the code I've written.

However, the other day I was reading an article about "anti-patterns" and unnecessary abstraction. The writer was saying that programmers sometimes have a habit have making abstractions prematurely, such that they have no practical use and only serve to obfuscate the code.

I realised that sometimes, when I use delegates, only one class will ever implement the interface (or protocol) and create objects of the class that requires this delegate to be passed.

This made me think- should I instead be passing a reference to the single class that uses the code that requires a delegate, only generalising the code with an interface when it becomes necessary such that two classes can use the same code?


Soft DevSol - A Software and Web Design Company


Want to start using less or sass. Tell me how!

Ok! So I want to be starting to use either less or sass, probably in combination with bootstrap.

How do I do this? I'm on Windows 8. Ive' tried to google it but I always get so unmotivated when I read the tutorials how to, because they seem to do it so complicated? Why isnt there just a IDE plugin or whatever that just complies the less/sass code into CSS?

AND which one of these two should I be using? Which one has the most backed up community and most support for the future?

[Question] Why is there typoscript?

As the title says, why was there a need for the typo3 developers to create the typoscript? I am currently learning this CMS because i will need it in the company i am currently in. As far as i have seen it, everything can be done via php and in my opinion easier than it is in typoscript. Especialy when you use it for fluid templating, the way smarty is working is more intuitive and easier (again in my opinion).

TL:DR: Can someone provide some reasoning for the existence of typoscript?

How do your first meetings with clients generally go?

Meeting a new client today, and thought I'd check out how fellow designers introduce themselves and what they discuss on the first meeting, as it's always good to learn a few tips and improve.

I've got a few logo drafts ready for the client, the main discussion is going to be for site requirements, what kind of look they are going for etc, but what are some questions I should be prepared for? and what questions should I be asking them?

Money has already been discussed and we are both fine with the figure, which means one less potentially difficult discussion.

2014. augusztus 6., szerda

How should I prepare for a masters in computing and networking?

Hi there.

I hold an undergraduate degree in business Engineering and finished first year of postgraduate studies within systems/automation engineeirng - however, the field did not interest me as much as anticipated and i am therefore switching to an IT masters instead.

I got credits for my past technical experience, mainly by my database knowledge and introductionary courses to programming as a Whole. However, I learned actionscript yeeeears back, and the pre-courses other people for the degree will have is in C++.. I feel very rusty overall, but I am very motivated to do the degree!

With two months until start, does any of you have some tips of how to shake off the rust and catch back up? Introductionary C++ course would be appreciated, I likely know the basics, but just to close the gaps here and there. I have done some Work in Python(automation coding/vision color detection), but the courses I will have here are within algorhitm analysis, data structures etc.. Am I totally screwed already - or? In that case, does any of you have good, easily digestible material about data structures etc.?

Sorry for confusing post - English is not my native language and im writing from an iphone!

[MOD ANNOUNCEMENT] - Moderator changes and possible CSS changes - help wanted!

The offseason is a time of roster moves and behind the scenes work for the Celtics but also for us here at /r/bostonceltics. Today we're announcing a change to our moderation team and also putting out a call for a new mod to join us for a special project.

Thanks to /u/dombili

For over two year /u/dombili has been the workhorse of our mod team. He's spent countless hours monitoring new submissions, cleaning out the spam filter and generally keeping the quality of content very high on our sub. This offseason he's decided to step down to focus on other priorities.

When he joined the mod team we had 1,200 subscribers. Due in no small part to his effort we now have over 7,500 and are well on our way to 10,000 by the end of the season. Please take this opportunity to thank /u/dombili for all his hard work and dedication to building this sub into what it is today.

Welcome /u/shnts07

As one mod leaves, another joins. We're excited to welcome /u/shnts07 to our team. We take pride in having a mod team made up of active members of the community and in only seven month /u/shnts07 has posted nearly 100 times to our sub with over 75 self-posts. He's provided more original content than anyone and has written more words than many full-time bloggers.

With our ever growing subscriber base we're lucky to have someone so dedicated to the community joining us. Please welcome /u/shnts07 to the moderation team!

Volunteers Wanted: A Mod Position is Open for a CSS/Design Specialist

It's been two seasons since major changes have been made to the design of /r/bostonceltics and we think it's time for a significant update. Reddit implemented CSS3 this year and with that, many new features have been unlocked. While our sub was one of the nicest looking ones when our last redesign was completed it has now been passed by more modern designs like /r/heat and /r/chicagobulls.

While our current mod team does have some CSS skills we are not experts. For that reason we are looking at the possibility of having someone join us as a "CSS Mod" to lead a complete re-design.

In the interest of transparency we feel it's important to be up-front about the position. This would be an unpaid job, as all mod spots are. We are hoping to find an active member of the community with high-level CSS and/or design skills willing to commit a significant amount of time to collaborating with the existing mod team to complete this redesign, ideally before the start of the season. If you then wish to stay on as a "regular mod" that would be great but is not a requirement and is not something you have to decide on now.

If you're interested in this position please contact us via this link. In your message please answer the following questions and also provide examples of your previous CSS/Design work, if possible.

  1. Approximately how long have you been on Reddit and how long have you been a subscriber to /r/bostonceltics?

  2. Are you currently a moderator of any other subreddits? If so, are any of them default subs?

  3. Have you ever lead or been a major part of writing the CSS for a subreddit? If so, which one(s)?

  4. Do you have experience working with CSS or in web design outside of Reddit? If so, please give examples if possible.

  5. Do you have any experience working in graphic design?

  6. If you were chosen to be our CSS Mod would you prefer to work independently on the design and implementation or as a group with the other mods?

  7. At the end of the design process would you be interested in staying on as a long-term member of the mod team? If so, what time zone do you live in?

  8. Should we trade Rondo?!

Determining what orders are tax relevant in Woocommerce

Hey, I'm wondering what the best way is to determine what number of orders are legible for tax return?

Being based in the EU our client can claim tax back on any sales made to within the EU so they are looking for the easiest way to get these numbers.

We discussed exporting to Excel and making a rule for any non EU countries, but I'm hoping there's an easier solution I can offer them.

Thank you

StarNet Solutions - Graphic Design Long Beach

StarNet Solutions is an Expeditious growing Website Design and Development Company in Long Beach California. We are also providing Logo Design and Branding, Internet Programming, SEO, Video Production, web hosting and Domain Names in Los Angele.


Hi Rob,

My name is Chris, and I've been a web design / development freelancer for the last year since gaining my diploma of web dev. I specialize in responsive designed websites (websites that display well on all platforms, phones, tablets, etc), and custom content management systems (systems for users to update their website themselves), I also offer web hosting and domain name registration.

From what I can tell, it sounds like you want a fairly straight forward website, something that shouldn't need to be updated much (static). I can do this kind of website for $500, which would include 1 year web hosting and domain registration.

Below is a handfull of websites I developed recently...


Franz Kempf Artist

Laneway Pictures

If you're interested in what I have to offer, feel free to contact me at contact@awarddesigns.net



Can anybody recommend a service/method to allow a one-click RSVP from a link in a mailer? (To be sent Campaign Monitor)

Looking for an event management service which makes RSVP quick and effortless for the users at the request of the client.

Eventbrite is a great service but the countdown timer and the need to register for even the free events is off-putting.

Can anybody suggest a quick way to setup an RSVP link which won't require registration/re-entry of details (by the recipients) that the client already has.

Any help appreciated!

Choosing the optimum programming language

Hi guys,

Nowadays there are so many programming languages it's difficult for a non-programmer to know what is best for a particular situation. I'm looking at outsourcing the development of a website/app but would like some suggestions as to which languages may be most suitable.

  • The Website will be heavily database driven

  • The Website will start off as quite simple with users being sent reminders/sms messages based off the information they enter

  • In the future I'd like to analyze the information provided by the user and then search the database for optimal "offers" based on the information provided

Sorry this isn't that in depth but I'm in the early research stages and trying to get an idea of how much the development would cost without even knowing which language I should be look at! I understand that this could be done in many different languages but I'm interested in what is currently most popular for this type of thing.

Thanks in advance!

/r/cringe Drilldown August 2014

/r/cringe Drilldown

Of 20914 Users Found:

SubredditOverlapping users
/r/cringepics 2869
/r/leagueoflegends 1251
/r/rage 1107
/r/Games 1105
/r/trees 1099
/r/TumblrInAction 1075
/r/pcmasterrace 1052
/r/soccer 1042
/r/4chan 919
/r/nba 844
/r/hiphopheads 838
/r/JusticePorn 723
/r/reactiongifs 697
/r/SubredditDrama 660
/r/nfl 646
/r/PublicFreakout 627
/r/DotA2 626
/r/woahdude 614
/r/thatHappened 600
/r/gameofthrones 572
/r/facepalm 572
/r/MorbidReality 561
/r/ImGoingToHellForThis 556
/r/justneckbeardthings 463
/r/AskMen 460
/r/GlobalOffensive 456
/r/lewronggeneration 446
/r/fatlogic 443
/r/youtubehaiku 440
/r/hearthstone 423
/r/montageparodies 419
/r/PS4 415
/r/circlejerk 408
/r/malefashionadvice 404
/r/sex 403
/r/offmychest 396
/r/mildlyinfuriating 394
/r/Unexpected 392
/r/teenagers 388
/r/relationships 385
/r/Android 372
/r/SquaredCircle 366
/r/wow 366
/r/trashy 363
/r/GrandTheftAutoV 355
/r/pokemon 347
/r/baseball 347
/r/conspiracy 343
/r/MMA 337
/r/anime 332
/r/tipofmytongue 319
/r/cars 319
/r/Minecraft 314
/r/smashbros 314
/r/Whatcouldgowrong 313
/r/dayz 311
/r/DeepIntoYouTube 310
/r/iamverysmart 307
/r/buildapc 307
/r/hockey 304
/r/MapPorn 302
/r/Steam 294
/r/creepyPMs 293
/r/casualiama 290
/r/interestingasfuck 280
/r/AskWomen 280
/r/asoiaf 270
/r/bestofworldstar 269
/r/oddlysatisfying 269
/r/Drugs 267
/r/FiftyFifty 260
/r/roosterteeth 259
/r/tf2 254
/r/electronic_cigarette 253
/r/watchpeopledie 249
/r/HistoryPorn 243
/r/CrappyDesign 243
/r/xboxone 237
/r/changemyview 236
/r/skyrim 236
/r/fatpeoplehate 236
/r/OutOfTheLoop 232
/r/gamegrumps 231
/r/gonewild 230
/r/NotTimAndEric 230
/r/shittyfoodporn 230
/r/quityourbullshit 229
/r/unitedkingdom 228
/r/DestinyTheGame 227
/r/delusionalartists 226
/r/Guitar 225
/r/canada 216
/r/starcraft 213
/r/DarkSouls2 212
/r/Fallout 211
/r/TrollXChromosomes 209
/r/whowouldwin 208
/r/nononono 204
/r/britishproblems 203
/r/australia 203
/r/battlefield_4 200
/r/Shitty_Car_Mods 196
/r/CFB 195
/r/MensRights 195
/r/amiugly 193
/r/breakingbad 192
/r/apple 192
/r/GameDeals 190
/r/motorcycles 190
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