2014. augusztus 5., kedd

Aspiring Entrepreneur: Product Management vs Engineering Path

Ok well here it goes. I have a Master's in Mechanical Engineering.

I decided after college to move back to the Silicon Valley area and after not faring well with the traditional mechanical engineering job market, decided to take a position at a tech startup. I began with boxing/prepping product deployments. Then after 6 months hired fulltime to working with internal processes, deployment practices, and ultimately development of internal tools, with much done in-between. I have currently been employed with them for 16 months. 10 months as the Operations Engineer.

My goal when I started was to disrupt internally, as an intrapreneur, to practice for what I feel is a destiny for entrepreneurship down the road. That being said I have a couple years left, I have had much fun working with languages like Python, and frontend frameworks like angular or jinja. I've come a long way in programming since MATLAB. I have squashed some frightening bugs in our product, yet I am a very personable type that can communicate with customers and unite engineers. I even made a sale. I seem to keep turning the big wigs' heads and I know it was the Engineer in me.

So I see that theres a job posting for a Product Manager and ask my VP if we can discuss and he promptly met with me the next day. He began to disclose that there were high level talks about me and what they're going to do with me. Since its apparently not their intention to keep me in the Operations department they want me to focus on developing the company. It seems I can take a position on the Engineering team to work on random cool stuff and fix random bugs, or pursue as a Product Manager.

So I dont know? What path do you think would provide more benefits to a future Entrepreneur. If your out doing it on your own now what would you rather have with past experience?

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