2014. augusztus 1., péntek

Skill Sets for large organization

I have worked in start-ups for my entire career till now (7 years). I have primarily on core java (java 6), and not on EE or frameworks like Spring/struts etc. Most of the stuff I worked on was built in-house, and external library usage was limited to Guava, Apache Commons, mybatis etc. There wasn't even proper version control setup.

I am shifting to a large organization in couple of weeks. Please suggest what all do I need to know, and could need to know to ensure smooth entry in the new role.

Have listed down a few myself:

  1. Java 8

  2. Software design patterns

  3. Webservices

  4. Frameworks like Netty and Akka

  5. Version control concepts.

  6. A web-framework like Play etc.

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